Carrie Dashow
"Keeper of the smallest plant, I do."
John Craig Freeman
14th & AR
Yoko Inoue
18 Minute Interval Swipe
Hank Willis Thomas
Black is Beautiful
Ghana ThinkTank
Black Lives Matter Street Signs
Jordan Eagles
Blood Projection
Linda Hesh
Chance Meeting Doorknob Hangers
Edith Raw
Leah Harper
Monika Goetz
Liz Linden
Todd Shalom
Dirty Gay Soundwalk
Nicholas Fraser
Eight Spaces of Empty Place
Marieke Warmelink & Domenique Himmelschbach de Vries
Embassy of Good Will, One Hour of Free Help
Terry Hardy
Faded Glory
Johannes Rantapuska & Milja Havas
Flux Flags
Sasha Sumner, Nick Porcaro, Ellen Levy
Free Slurpee, 7-Eleven Intervention
Lawrence Graham-Brown
Game: Hunt, Capture, Kill
Daniel Bejar
Get Lost!
Dennis Redmoon Darkeem
Good Trade
David Antonio Cruz
How To Order A Chocolate Cake
The Illuminator
Illuminating Student Debt
Incoming Call
LuLu LoLo
Joan of Arc of 14th Street: Where are the Women?
Jenny Polak
Lengua, Libertad!
Listening Posts
Nobutaka Aozaki
Looking for Your Smile Bag
Matej Vakula
Manuals for Public Space
Jabari Owens-Bailey
Nigrum Paenitentiam — When Oprah Wept
Isidro Blasco
Not Really There
Nothing is Free
Skowmon Hastanan
Orchid Clinic
Carolina Mayorga
Our Lady of 14th Street
Sam Jablon
Poet Sculpture
Jesse Seegers
Potlatch Pavilion
Brooks Wenzel
Alicia Grullón
Revealing New York: The Disappearance of Other
L. Mylott Manning
Road Kill Stuffed Animals: Endangered Species
Irvin Climaco Morazan
Seeing Eye Tiger
Michael Paul Britto
The Brown Man Experience
Laura Napier
This Area Will Be Photographed
Tim Thyzel
Umbrella Tumbleweed
Tomashi Jackson
Untitled (CMYMe) (Alesia, Alberta, Tanisha, and Me)
Pedro Lasch
War on 14th Street
Seldon Yuan
While We Are Here
Working Woman